Our expert acupuncturist observes you closely to find your specific points to be treated.
Acupuncture treatment is aimed at regulating channels on the surface of the body that can have a corresponding effect on internal function as well as the mental and emotional wellbeing of the patient.
Needles are directed towards local points around the patient’s complaint or distally (away from the problem area). For example, headaches may be treated with points around the ankles or wrists. In other instances, points on the abdomen or upper back may be stimulated to reflect the underlying cause. During a treatment the acupuncturist will find the area and specific points that need to be treated via the four inspections: looking; listening and smelling; inquiring; palpation.
During treatment
During your treatment, our qualified acupuncturist will find your area and specific points that need to be treated using what is termed the four inspections:
- Looking
- Listening and smelling
- Inquiring
- Palpation
An area that requires treatment could be treated in another part of your body. For example, if you have a headache, your acupuncturist could place needles at points around your ankles or wrists.
In other instances, points on your abdomen or upper back may be stimulated to reflect the underlying cause. The four inspections are carried out as follows:
Your acupuncturist is an expert at observation. From the time you walk into their consulting room – or at the first opportunity – they will look at your movement patterns, and your demeanour, to glean as much information as possible about your issue or complaint.
Listening and smelling
Listening is the process the acupuncturist uses to observe your voice, breath and other sounds. Your tone, delivery and quality of speech or breathing can be very informative. Your smell may suggest underlying patterns, but that’s evidenced very subtly. It’s not used as commonly these days because of improved personal hygiene.
Your acupuncturist will ask you questions about the history and nature of your complaint.
Palpating is investigative pressing – either on the local area, close to your complaint – or on distally related areas along the respective Chinese medicine Channel system. For example, if you have lower back pain, your acupuncturist will press points along the Taiyang foot meridian. These are from the outside surface of your little toe, up the outside of your ankle, and up to your calf, hamstring and glutes. They’ll take into account the indications of the points that are reactive, and what they may suggest about your patient’s complaint.
Book online now or give us a call to discuss what kind of appointment you need
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Effective treatment
Your acupuncturist will consider any information you provide along with your history, and other signs and symptoms, to form a clinical picture. They can then effectively treat areas that could also contribute to your complaint without your own knowledge.