Exercise Physiology

Exercise as a prescription to a healthy life

Discover how your injury or chronic health condition can respond to exercise physiology

It’s no fun when you have a chronic health condition or injury. Constant pain, worsening activity levels and restricted movements can affect your life and your mental state.

But help is at hand with our Exercise Physiologists.

What is exercise physiology?

Exercise physiology is all about  your body’s short-term responses to physical stress, and how your body adapts to repeated exposure to physical activity – over time.

And it’s all based on your individual needs – putting you at the centre of your own care – and pro-active collaboration with treating health professionals to achieve the best results for you.

Some of the chronic health conditions and injuries that exercise physiologists treat include:

About Exercise Physiologists

Accredited Exercise Physiologists are allied health professionals. They’ve completed a university degree course of at least 4 years and are accredited with Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA). Read the  ESSA definition of an exercise physiologist.

Our Exercise Physiologists are experts in their field. They use the latest medical and sport science research to deliver an individualised exercise program to you. And that means a program that achieves the best long term and sustainable health outcomes for your specific situation, and your personal health goals.

Our aim is not to restrict your activity completely, but to teach you how to stay active while they treat your condition.

Services and rebates

Our Exercise Physiology’s services and rebates include:

Private Consultations

(private health rebates available)

NDIS Services

(Health and Wellbeing and Improved Daily Living categories)


Enhanced Primary Care or Chronic Diseases Management Plans

(Medicare rebates available)

Online Consultations and Home Visits

for high risk individuals

Book online now or give us a call to discuss what kind of appointment you need

Our practitioners can help solve the cause of your pain.

Balmain Sports Medicine has some of Australia’s top practitioners who are experts in sports medicine. If you have an injury or are experiencing pain, one of our expert practitioners can help.

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Sarah Marvin

I was very fortunate to have spent my childhood, adolescence and young adulthood being physically active and participating in ...
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Find out how your injury or chronic health condition can benefit from Exercise Physiology

Contact Balmain Sports Medicine to make an appointment now.

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