
Lymphoedema Services

Lymphoedema Services - Combine Decongestive Therapy

Combined Decongestive Therapy or CDT is a multi-faceted treatment for chronic swelling known as Lymphoedema. The course of treatment includes Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Multi Layered Lymphatic Bandaging (MLLB), Compression Garment prescription and developing a Self-Care Plan.

The aim of CDT is to reduce fluid accumulation in the affected area, soften fibrosis and minimise refill with medical compression garments.

How does CDT work?

During your first appointment, baseline measurements will be taken to establish a reference point. This will help to track your progress and tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs.

A short course of MLD will help to stimulate the lymphatic system and prepare you for phase one; The Reduction Strategy or Phase 2; The Maintenance Strategy.

Phase one - The Reduction Strategy

Multi Layered Lymphatic Bandaging – Special bandages with a high working pressure and low resting pressure are layered over the affected area. This creates a gradient for fluid to be evacuated reducing the size of the oedema.

Phase two – The Maintenance Strategy

Medical Compression Garments – Compression sleeves, gloves, stockings, leggings, socks, bras and garments for all areas of the body are prescribed to minimise refill to the affected area. You will be measured and fitted for a ‘Tailor Made’ or ‘Ready to wear’ garment in the compression class specific to your needs.

Self-Care Plan

To ensure your treatment is as effective as possible, your practitioner will develop a range of activities for you to do at home. Your Self Care Plan will be a combination of self MLD routines, breathing exercises, use of pneumatic compression pumps, exercises appropriate for lymphoedema and education resources.

Book online now or give us a call to discuss what kind of appointment you need

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Laura Atterton

I enjoy the great outdoors and spend most of my free time exploring Sydney. As well as keeping myself fit, I also love ...
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Lymphoedema Services - Combine Decongestive Therapy​

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