We are delighted to announce that the practice is now fully renovated and funtional. We want to extend our thanks to our clients who, for the past nine months, have been extremely adaptable to our temporary set ups. If you haven’t visited the practice in the last few months, feel free to pop past and a member of the team would be more than happy to show you around.
Welcome to new Physiotherpaist, Samantha! She has a keen interest in the assessment and management of shoulder injuries as well as sporting-related injuries. When she isn’t treating patients Sam can be found in the snow slopes, rowing, cycling and more recently running a marathon!
- A massive congratulations to everyone who played a role in this years Oxfam Trailwalker! What a success. We were privileged to assist for the ninth year in a row. Holding the fort at Checkpoint 3 (Bobbin Head), we were amazed at the effort endurance of BSM clients, family and friends!
- Click here to have a read of ‘What to expect when visiting a Dietitian’. Great Read!
- Great Articles on Common Running Injuries and How Physio-led Pilates effect on Running!